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My Time

My time. I love my time. Nice music, burning candle and the ability to do something I enjoy like blogging. The firecracker is tucked in her bed and well on her way to pillow cove. At the end of the day I found myself barking out orders after our outdoor time. I could hear myself saying, "Come inside, take your boots off, use the washroom and wash your hands then meet me at the dinner table." My firecracker replied, "Ay Ay Captain!" Surprisingly she did exactly as she was told.

The children did really well today and even impressed me by napping at the same time. Just enough to refresh our mind & bodies. We are increasing our "organic" time gradually every day and learning more and more as we plod along. By organic I mean natural state of being or as the Webster states " simple and healthful and close to nature; "an organic lifestyle." There is no television filling the empty space or filling precious time. During the deepest part of winter we just found ourselves in a rut and the tv seemed to be on more than usual. For 1.5 months now we have only been watching one program during the day. The funniest and most amusing things are heard or I should say overheard and more memories seem to be made.

I spent the weekend resting and finishing chores. The vegetables were steamed and pureed then put to good use. Surprisingly, the muffins turned out pretty moist. I asked Ma & Pa Kettle to call me when they guessed the secret veggie ingredient. They guessed right! Carrots. They are probably wondering what their prize is.

Applesauce Muffins from Jessica Seinfeld's
cookbook, Deceptively Delicious.

Erin  – (March 23, 2009 at 2:04 PM)  

Veggies in the muffins? And your kids liked them? That's a great idea!

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