Santa Paws
This photo made me sweat! No kidding. She (Chelsea dog) knew how important it was to me to capture this photo of her with the santa hat and knew how hard I worked for this photo. I lugged a feisty two year old out and about looking for the santa hat then waited patiently for a fresh white snowfall. Then early in the am I dressed the feisty toddler in warm layers, loaded the vehicle, picked up a coffee & donut holes for dog, and put the peddle to the metal to get to the dog park before all the other dogs. I wanted fresh snow that was unmarred by any human or doggie prints. We found the right spot. I held my breath and hoped that no squirrels would dart out from a hiding spot. I put the hat on and got the first shot and only shot. Immediately after the first click a new puppy arrived on the scene and we were done our photo shoot. Phew! I guess the hardest part was trying to manage the dog and keep my daughter from running in the snow and getting the dog excited. E for effort I guess. Sadly, this was her last photo.
If you want to see some more black & white beauties head over and see what Lisa has in store for you.
~ Becki

AWWW What a great memory of your beautiful dog. The fresh snow and trees really are beautiful! It was totally worth all your work :)
Hey, it's good! Especially since it was your ONLY shot! Gosh, I can't tell you how many times I've dressed my kids and made their hair perfect and dragged out some extra lights and set up a little "studio" in my living room only to have one little thing screw up the entire thing. Oh well!
That snow looks cold. Sitting must have been a challenge for Chelsea to plant her tush in it! ;)
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
Awww...her last photo! What a cutie, with that hat! Oh my goodness! So sorry about your loss...I am a dog person, so I feel for ya. It's definitely like losing a member of the family, because they are!
Great story about this photo - I felt like I was living it with you! I just love the expression on Chelsea dog's face :) she honestly looks like she knows she isn't meant to move or the hat will fall off - so cute :)
I'm sorry it was your last photo of her. What a special memory the photo must have because of that.