Visiting Cousins
July 14th, 2014
I am sitting on the couch as the fog is rolling in and I cannot imagine a better time to start blogging. We have been on so many petite adventures it is hard to pinpoint an exact place where we last left off. I cannot remember the last few months exactly but I can do present pretty well. Presently, right in this very moment we are enjoying our summer. Finally, we can say it is summer!
A walk down memory lane and a pinch of nostalgia I found myself dropping our daughter off at her first summer camp away from home. She's eight. She's mature. We knew she could handle it.
We sent her away for a week as a Visiting Cousin at King's Landing Historical Settlement. Imagine it kind of like Little House on the Prairie has come to life and you are spending a week as Laura, Mary or heaven forbid Miss Nellie Oleson, living in Walnut Grove. She attended Parish School, milked cows, churned and washed butter and made some amazing memories.