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Frosty Wall Art

My 5 year old's eyes popped open REALLY wide when she first saw this because she actually thought I would cut up our "Frosty the Snowman" book.  I told her I would never consider cutting up one of my beloved childhood favorites.  She said, "good mommy, because you would have to have a long time out for that."  So all you do folks is copy or scan your favorite page from a book and hang on the wall.  You could embellish any way you like, but I prefer to keep mine plain.  Maybe the one that goes in the children's bedrooms will have a little more glitter and sparkle.

My grandfather built the frame and I just love it.  I believe I had it as a baby with a cross stitch of a yellow duck.  The wood is natural just how I like it.  No bleaching, no sitting in the sun, no sanding or extra fussing.  Easy peasy project.  Old frame + Old Picture ( scanned from book) + Cut & Trim out and hung on the wall.

      You could use this for cards, tags, wrapping paper, toilet paper or anything your creative heart desires, but unless you want to spend your holidays behind bars please do not profit from this.


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